Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Peek Around My Room

This is our Scoreboard from WBT.  I use it as a class management tool.  I never let Smilies or Frownies have a difference of more than 3.  This keeps it exciting and motivating.  When students get a Smilie, they yell, "Oh ya!" with a mighty fist pump.  It has to be altogether and very quick (1 second party), or they get a Frownie.  When they get a Frownie, there is a mighty groan with a shoulder shrug.

Here is my Religion area.  I found the mirror words at the Dollar Store.  Could only find 5 of the Fruits of the Spirit, but that's a pretty great find!  The space around the heart will be filled with family photos the class will bring in.  This goes along with the Grade 1 and 2 curriculum for Religion.  I have a cute little antique-looking desk 
for our Prayer Table.  I keep a Crucifix, Children's Bible and Prayer book on it.  At the side is my Faith bookshelf.  There are several devotional books, Bibles, and Bible storybooks there.
The Circle of Friends, which is the Grade 1 symbol, is on the shelf along with other faith-based artifacts that may be brought in.  There are a couple of posters to the left that I picked up while camping at Fairhaven's Ministries a few years ago.

Here is my Super Improver Team wall.  The year starts with each child's name on a white card.  They get a sticker each time they improve in any area.  It could be academic, responsibility, organization, self-regulation, you name it.  This is a place for everyone to succeed as anyone can improve at something.  Once a student has 10 stickers they move up the ranks - first they become a Rookie and get an orange card, and so on.  Start out the year with lots of stickers to get the excitement going and then slow down.  You want them to respect how difficult it is to reach 'Living Legend'.  There are many fun strategies to use along the way which you can find at Whole Brain Teaching.

Here is are my months of the year and my Rules.  Beside it a picture of that whole section, showing the SIT wall and Days of the Week.

And these are my Math Centre Rotations.  I got this idea from Clutter Free Classroom a couple of years ago.  It is an acrostic for M A T H.  M - math facts; A - at your seat; T - technology; H - hands-on.  I have 5 centres - the 5th rotation is working with the teacher.  I just really liked this acrostic, so left it at that and the students know they have one rotation with me.  :) 

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